The producers immediately got cracking on a sequel after the first movie was a hit. In fact, one of the producers decided to direct the sequel himself. Steve Miner proves to be a good director, luckily.
With the killer of the first movie dead, where do you go next? Why, just say that the child at the end of the first movie.....Didn't drown, or something. Well, point being, he did grow up to be a big guy out in the woods. Just try not to think too much about how he ended up that way. After a vague passage of time from the first movie, a new set of counselors is prepping for camp season on Crystal Lake. But Flannel and denim clad, and facially deformed, psycho killer Jason Vorhees won't let THIS camp open up, in keeping with family tradition.
Basically a re-make of the first movie, but without the whodunit element and with a faster pace. And better acting, writing, and editing, to boot. Although a weird cliffhanger type ending is a bit of a bummer, that leaves viewers more confused than frightened. For the gore seekers, it's a mixed bag: there are more on screen deaths this time, but most have been censored to some degree. It's clear that the director had to compromise his work, although he does his best to save the kill scenes even after the censorship. Thankfully the atmosphere is menacing enough that gobs of gore weren't necessary to sell the movie.
Rating: 9/10
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